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10/26/10 6:51 PM A new computer program shows how the brain's connections change as a child grows up http://bit.ly/a7i93y |
Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
10/21/10 6:08 AM Wanted: Your Feedback on The SharpBrains Guide to Brain Fitness: If you have already read The SharpBrains Guide to... http://bit.ly/97K5DE |
10/20/10 12:13 PM Video games can be highly effective training tools, study shows: Employees learn more, forget less, master more skills http://t.co/8FEPQ08 |
10/20/10 10:49 AM New regulator of circadian clock identified - EurekAlert (press release) http://bit.ly/cYMzBo |
10/19/10 4:39 AM How the Auditory Cortex Maps the Aural World - Softpedia http://bit.ly/9L8XC3 |
In partnership with the Teaching Resource Institute at Western Oregon University, BrainLine has announced a new portal, BrainLine Kids, a new feature of their web site created specifically for those who support children with traumatic brain injury. BrainLine Kids features information from signs of concussion in children to support for students with TBI in the classroom.
You can find out more information by clicking: BrainLine Kids
Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
NPR has produced a story on the need for the brain to rest following a concussion.
A few months ago, Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, announced that troops near a bomb blast must be removed from combat for 24 hours and must be checked for traumatic brain before returning to combat.
The piece goes on to discuss the changes that occur in the brain following a concussion and the slow healing process which must be allowed to take place before the brain is subject to further trauma.
Read and listen to the full story: Football's Brain Injury Lessons Head To Battlefield
10/13/10 11:24 AM Can Video Games Train Your Brain? http://ow.ly/2SVWT |
Select sections (quotes) and summary of this interesting article below.
- New Approaches to the Study of Childhood Language Disorders
- Susan Nittrouer and Bruce Pennington
- Curr Dir Psychol Sci 2010;19 308-313
The aim of the present review article is to guide the reader through portions of the human time perception, or temporal processing, literature. After distinguishing the main contemporary issues related to time perception, the article focuses on the main findings and explanations that are available in the literature on explicit judgments about temporal intervals. The review emphasizes studies that are concerned with the processing of intervals lasting a few milliseconds to several seconds and covers studies issuing from either a behavioral or a neuroscience approach. It also discusses the question of whether there is an internal clock (pacemaker counter or oscillator device) that is dedicated to temporal processing and reports the mai
Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
With the growing population of older adults, nurses will need to address age- related cognitive declines. Evidence demonstrates that cognitive remediation training is effective in improving neuropsychological abilities in older adults, which can translate into improved functioning in instrumental activities of daily living. The future of cognitive remediation training will incorporate health promoting factors (e.g., sleep hygiene, physical exercise), which supports neuroplasticity and cognitive reserve. By approaching cognitive health holistically, the patient will be primed to receive the maximum benefit from cognitive remediation training. A model emphasizing this approach is provided as a didactic for nurses and other health professionals providing care to their older patients.
Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Are motor coordination deficits an underlying cardinal feature of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)? Database searches identified 83 ASD studies focused on motor coordination, arm movements, gait, or postural stability deficits. Data extraction involved between-group comparisons for ASD and typically developing controls (N = 51). Rigorous meta-analysis techniques including random effects models, forest and funnel plots, I 2, publication bias, fail-safe analysis, and moderator variable analyses determined a significant standardized mean difference effect equal to 1.20 (SE = 0.144; p < 0.0001; Z = 10.49). This large effect indicated substantial motor coordination deficits in the ASD groups across a wide range of behaviors. The current overall findings portray motor coordination deficits as pervasive across diagnoses, thus, a cardinal feature of ASD
Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Recent research has demonstrated enhanced visual attention and visual perception in individuals with extensive experience playing action video games. These benefits manifest in several realms, but much remains unknown about the ways in which video game experience alters perception and cognition. In the present study, we examined whether video game players' benefits generalize beyond vision to multisensory processing by presenting auditory and visual stimuli within a short temporal window to video game players and non–video game players. Participants performed two discrimination tasks, both of which revealed benefits for video game players: In a simultaneity judgment task, video game players were better able to distinguish whether simple visual and auditory stimuli occurred at the same moment or slightly offset in time, and in a temporal-order judgment task, they revealed an enhanced ability to determine the temporal sequence of multisensory stimuli. These results suggest that people with extensive experience playing video games display benefits that extend beyond the visual modality to also impact multisensory processing.
Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
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