1/31/11 3:37 PM Announcing the (we hope) largest #brain #book discussion via #Twitter (#sbm14), in honor of Brain Awareness Week: http://tinyurl.com/sbm14 |
Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
1/31/11 3:37 PM Announcing the (we hope) largest #brain #book discussion via #Twitter (#sbm14), in honor of Brain Awareness Week: http://tinyurl.com/sbm14 |
1/31/11 10:58 AM Free sample chapter from The Taxonomy of #Metacognition by Pina Tarricone for everyone! Download it here: http://goo.gl/QlM0v |
1/28/11 9:36 PM Study Suggests Researchers Are Entering A New Era Of Advances In Brain Research http://sns.ly/qjbmy4 |
Thursday, January 27
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Volume 5 Number 1 is now available on SpringerLink
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In this issue:
Original Research
fMRI memory assessment in healthy subjects: a new approach to view lateralization data at an individual level Maria Strandberg, Christina Elfgren, Peter Mannfolk, Johan Olsrud, Lars Stenberg, Danielle van Westen, Elna-Marie Larsson, Ia Rorsman & Kristina Källén Abstract Full text HTML
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Original Research
Pontocerebellar contribution to postural instability and psychomotor slowing in HIV infection without dementia Edith V. Sullivan, Margaret J. Rosenbloom, Torsten Rohlfing, Carol A. Kemper, Stanley Deresinski & Adolf Pfefferbaum Abstract Full text HTML
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Original Research
Association cortex hypoperfusion in mild dementia with Lewy bodies: a potential indicator of cholinergic dysfunction? Tamara G. Fong, Sharon K. Inouye, Weiying Dai, Daniel Z. Press & David C. Alsop Abstract Full text HTML
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Original Research
Failure of repetition suppression and memory encoding in aging and Alzheimer's disease Maija Pihlajamäki, Kelly O'Keefe, Jackie O'Brien, Deborah Blacker & Reisa A. Sperling Abstract Full text HTML
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Original Research
Alternation learning in pathological gamblers: an fMRI Study Pinhas N. Dannon, Tammar Kushnir, Anat Aizer, Ruth Gross-Isseroff, Moshe Kotler & David Manor Abstract Full text HTML
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Original Research
Neural correlates of impulsivity factors in psychiatric patients and healthy volunteers: a voxel-based morphometry study Athene K. W. Lee, Matthew Jerram, Carl Fulwiler & David A. Gansler Abstract Full text HTML
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Original Research
MTHFR 677C>T effects on anterior cingulate structure and function during response monitoring in schizophrenia: a preliminary study Joshua L. Roffman, David G. Brohawn, Jesse S. Friedman, Kara A. Dyckman, Katharine N. Thakkar, Yigal Agam, Mark G. Vangel, Donald C. Goff & Dara S. Manoach Abstract Full text HTML
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From Brain Injury blog
The Brain Trauma Foundation has announced the following web based education programs on traumatic brain injury:
A Program to Develop a Simple Blood Test for Diagnosis of Traumatic Brain Injury: From Bench to Bedside to FDA Approval.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Speaker: Ron Hayes, PhD
Traumatic Brain Injury as Chronic Disease
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
12:00-1:00 PM EST
Speaker: Brent Masel, MD
Imaging of Minor Head Trauma
Thursday, March 17, 2011
12:00-1:00 PM EST
Speaker: Robert D. Zimmerman, MD
To register for any of these programs click here.
1/20/11 3:01 PM RT @WorkLifePsych: BPS Research Digest has a great list of psychologists on Twitter: http://t.co/SBxM6sC |
1/17/11 1:02 PM Researchers report that they can predict "with unprecedented accuracy" how well you will do on a complex task such... http://fb.me/xSDJp1CM |
Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist
1/14/11 4:23 AM Call for Papers for a special issue of "Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition": http://goo.gl/slmMo |
APA Journal alerts for:
The following articles have been published online this week before they appear in a final print and online issue of Neuropsychology:
Long-term outcome from childhood traumatic brain injury: Intellectual ability, personality, and quality of life.Anderson, Vicki; Brown, Sandra; Newitt, Heidi; Hoile, Hannahdoi: 10.1037/a0021217
- A new issue is available:
Neurocognitive signs in prodromal Huntington disease.Page 1-14Stout, Julie C.; Paulsen, Jane S.; Queller, Sarah; Solomon, Andrea C.; Whitlock, Kathryn B.; Campbell, J. Colin; Carlozzi, Noelle; Duff, Kevin; Beglinger, Leigh J.; Langbehn, Douglas R.; Johnson, Shannon A.; Biglan, Kevin M.; Aylward, Elizabeth H.
Memory capacity, selective control, and value-directed remembering in children with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Page 15-24Castel, Alan D.; Lee, Steve S.; Humphreys, Kathryn L.; Moore, Amy N.
Neurocognition and functional outcome in early-onset schizophrenia and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A 13-year follow-up.Page 25-35Øie, Merete; Sundet, Kjetil; Ueland, Torill
Recovery of time estimation following moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.Page 36-44Anderson, Jonathan W.; Schmitter-Edgecombe, Maureen
The relationship between processing speed and working memory demand in systemic lupus erythematosus: Evidence from a visual n-back task.Page 45-52Shucard, Janet L.; Lee, Wing H.; Safford, Ashley S.; Shucard, David W.
Deficits in emotional and social cognition in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.Page 53-65Girardi, Alessandra; MacPherson, Sarah E.; Abrahams, Sharon
Neuromotor outcomes at school age after extremely low birth weight: Early detection of subtle signs.Page 66-75Gidley Larson, Jennifer C.; Baron, Ida Sue; Erickson, Kristine; Ahronovich, Margot D.; Baker, Robin; Litman, Fern R.
Enhanced facilitation of spatial attention in schizophrenia.Page 76-85Spencer, Kevin M.; Nestor, Paul G.; Valdman, Olga; Niznikiewicz, Margaret A.; Shenton, Martha E.; McCarley, Robert W.
Altered probabilistic learning and response biases in schizophrenia: Behavioral evidence and neurocomputational modeling.Page 86-97Waltz, James A.; Frank, Michael J.; Wiecki, Thomas V.; Gold, James M.
Multimodal cuing of autobiographical memory in semantic dementia.Page 98-104Greenberg, Daniel L.; Ogar, Jennifer M.; Viskontas, Indre V.; Gorno Tempini, Maria Luisa; Miller, Bruce; Knowlton, Barbara J.
Naming from definition, semantic relevance and feature type: The effects of aging and Alzheimer's disease.Page 105-113Marques, J. Frederico; Cappa, Stefano F.; Sartori, Giuseppe
Verbal memory in drug-naive, newly diagnosed Parkinson's disease. The retrieval deficit hypothesis revisited.Page 114-124Brønnick, Kolbjørn; Alves, Guido; Aarsland, Dag; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Larsen, Jan Petter
Subjective cognitive complaints and longitudinal changes in memory and brain function.Page 125-130Hohman, Timothy J.; Beason-Held, Lori L.; Lamar, Melissa; Resnick, Susan M.
Specific impairments of emotion perception in multiple sclerosis.Page 131-136Phillips, Louise H.; Henry, Julie D.; Scott, Clare; Summers, Fiona; Whyte, Maggie; Cook, Moira
1/13/11 3:05 AM The neuroscience of musical chills - News-Medical.net http://bit.ly/dK7T0p |
You Might Already Know This ...
A report on ESP to be published this year has inflamed a debate on the standard technique used to analyze data in much of social science and medicine.
Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist
1/10/11 7:48 PM 'Timing is everything' in ensuring healthy brain development: The Newcastle University researchers Dr Marcus Kai... http://bit.ly/ejVlAU |
1/10/11 1:13 PM Music increases release of dopamine, study shows http://nyti.ms/fOWCPg #scichat (via @NYTimes) |
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Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist
Journal's Paper on ESP Expected to Prompt Outrage
A prominent research psychologist's assertions about strong evidence for extrasensory perception is already mortifying scientists.
Sent from Kevin McGrew's iPad
Kevin McGrew, PhD
Educational Psychologist
1/5/11 7:53 PM ted video HD TEDTalks : Charles Limb: Your brain on improv - Charles Limb (2010): Musician and researcher Charle... http://bit.ly/hEuKMy |
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