Is Intelligence Hereditary?
Scientists have investigated this question for more than a century, and the answer is clear: the differences between people on intelligence tests are substantially the…
Scientists have investigated this question for more than a century, and the answer is clear: the differences between people on intelligence tests are substantially the…
2016 May 26. pii: bhw157. [Epub ahead of print] 1Brainnetome Center. • 2Brainnetome Center National Laboratory of…
As a society living in a 21st century, we have just begun to realize how little do we know about our brain. We desperately need to understand how…
Research strongly suggests that sleep, which constitutes about a third of our lives, is crucial for learning and forming long-term memories. But…
Which part of the brain is involved in consciousness and emotion…and what exactly is the limbic system anyway? Our latest publication—A Glossary of Key Brain…
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An interesting study demonstrating that it may be possible to improve the time processing abilities of children with various disabilities. Given that time processing abilities have been implicated in certain key cognitive functions (working memory, attentional control, executive functions) this study is intriguing. I am particularly interested in learning more about the time processing ability measures and the potential to use them in future intelligence test well as where such temporal abilities fit in the CHC model of cognitive abilities.
Time is a complex and contested concept, and one that holds significance for every academic discipline. TIME: A Multidisciplinary Collection welcomes you to delve…
Akili Labs recruits for ADHD trial with ambitions of FDA clearance for digital medicine (MedCity News)
"Akili Labs has kicked off open enrollment for a clinical trial of its Project EVO video game platform in a quest to secure for 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its lead indication — attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
The trial is recruiting at least 300 participants aged 8-12 years old who have been diagnosed with ADHD. It will evaluate the safety and efficacy of the Project EVO platform, according to a company statement. The ultimate goal is to provide a drug alternative for children with ADHD and Akili Labs CEO Eddie Martucci views digital therapeutics as the way to do that…If the trial meets its endpoints, the company plans to submit Project EVO for FDA approval.
In a phone interview in February Martucci said, "We want this to stand alongside Adderall and other drugs as a doctor-prescribed treatment."
Study: Software Treatment for Actively Reducing Severity of ADHD (STARS-ADHD) (
To learn more:
This article was originally published with the title "Human 2.0" ABOUT THE AUTHOR(S) Dwayne Godwin Dwayne Godwin is a neuroscientist at the…
The holy grail of many neuroscients is to map neuronal connections and from this explain how the brain (and mind) works. There are approximately 80 billion…
2016 Apr 29. pii: S1364-6613(16)30007-9. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2016.03.014. [Epub ahead of print] 1Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences,…
Neuroscience NewsMay 3, 2016 Research sheds light the neural structure that controls our sleep, eating habits, hormones and more. What's that old saying…