I thought I should alert my readers to one of the best voices on the net, and other media, regarding human potential, intelligence, creativity, and a varieity of other topics related to the psychology of individual differences.
Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman is one of those rare breed academics that knows how to bridge research/theory and practice...that is, translating cutting edge research into language the rest of us can understand. I have worked with Scott on a couple of papers and blog posts and had the honor of being interviewed by him recently.
If readers of my blogs want to stay current on a good chunk of emerging research and theory re: human capacities and potential, I would suggest making his material a regular read. I recommend following his blogs via RSS feeds and also following him on Twitter. He produces large volumns of content that is up-to-date, research based, and timely. Access to his social media sources can be found at his home page in the link above.
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