Wednesday, March 07, 2012

The Time Doc IM-Home bog posts re: brain-clock based Interactive Metronome

Most of my readers are aware of my interest in brain-clock based neurotechnologies, particularly as they relate to improving cognitive functioning. All posts related to this area of interest, as well as posts linking readers to other neuroscience developments, can be found here at the Brain Clock blog.

A few years back I made a number of guest blog posts at the Interactive Metronome-HOME (IM-HOME) blog.  I find frequently find myself directing people to some of those posts.  Thus, I am now provided access to all of those posts via a single link (click here).  I drill down deeper into Interactive Metronome as a guest blogger at the IM-Home blog. Now all my IM-related posts can be viewed via one URL. I hope readers check out these posts and become more aware of the exciting neurotechnologies that are emerging based on the concept of temporal processing and the human brain clock.

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