Friday, August 24, 2012

Interactive Metronome Therapy Helps Amputees Walk Again | Interactive Metronome (IM) is used to helps patient walk again after becoming an amputee. IM-Home is the at-home reach of the Interactive Metronome. Both Interactive Metronome & IM-Home are the only brain fitness programs that promotes brain health and incorporates movement and coordination activities for a complete brain and body workout. Thousands of children and adults have benefited from the going through the training. It's convenient, affordable and proven to get results. Learn how IM-Home can help you or a loved one. | http Amputee Amputee Rehabilitation Brain Fitness
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Time: 02:10 More in Science & Technology

1 comment:

Interactive metronome services said...

This was very nice information here which is different and rare about brain training. This is a great news for the people who wish to develop their brains. The people can train their brain anytime and anywhere.