Wednesday, November 15, 2006

SharpBrains feature added

I continue to tinker with the focus and direction of the IQ Brain Clock blog. As noted in the blog description, aside from a primary focus on mental time-keeping research, interesting neuroscience research, particularly that related to education, is another focus.

As I've started to monitor more neuroscience-related blogs, I've become increasingly interested in the neurotechnology/brain fitness movement.

Given the above, I've decided that I should not attempt to reinvent the wheel and should let "the" blog in this domain (SharpBrains) speak for itself, and I should simply provide an automatic RSS feed mechanism for readers. Thus, beneath the RSS topic feed from my "mother" blog (IQs Corner), I've now added an RSS feed feature for recent topics posted at SharpBrains. Readers can now readily keep track of whats "happening" over at SharpBrains and then click and go to the mother source.

I hope readers find this useful.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kevin, I am really interested in the topic so will avidly keep reading SharpBrains posts :-)

Now seriously, it is an honor that you have decided to do this. Caroline and I will keep doing our best.

Kind regards,


Kevin McGrew said...

You are welcome. You guys have a very nice blog. Mine is more of a hobby. I wish I could blog full-time.

While I've got your attention, do you guys know of any brain fitness programs (aside from the Interactive Metronome program I've consulted on) that deals with improving mental time keeping (the brain clock)?

AlvaroF said...

Well, you do have a very productive hobby!

On your question: no, at least not directly. Research on Cogmed working memory training program has shown direct impact on WM, and it also that it generalizes to other cognitive areas such as problem solving (Ravens) and response inhibition (Stroop). Indirectly, we have heard a good number of stories from clinicians who say that their patients "now keep better track of time", are "way more organized with everything, from their room to homework" and "their moms happily report that they don't spend 30 minutes in the shower anymore; they now know naturally what 5 minutes means". I have not seen specific published research, though, measuring this point.