Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The original Time Doc (Jim Cassily) and Time Machine

I have made it clear via my conflict of interest statements that I am a paid external consultant to Interactive Metronome. This blog would not exist if I had not been involved in an IM school-based intervention study that showed positive outcomes.

Thus, it was with considerable excitement that I made a serendipitous connection with the wife of the inventor of the core IM technology (Katie Cassily...the wife of the late Jim Cassily). As a result, I learned more about the very interesting alignment of the stars the resulted in Jim's creation of IM...a brain clock based neurotechnology. I have made a post at the IM-HOME blog where I provide a bit of history regarding Jim (the original Time Doc) and the original IM Time Machine.

For readers who want a PDF copy of the post, click here.

Posted using BlogPress from Kevin McGrew's iPad

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