Tuesday, October 09, 2012

New Self-Paced Brain Fitness Course Answers 40 Common Questions about Brain Health and Brain Trainin

We are pleased to offer the first self-paced course designed to equip lifelong learners with the under­stand­ing and infor­ma­tion required to apply neuroplasticity and cognitive reserve findings and tools to enhance their own brain health and func­tion­al­ity.

Detailed information is available at How to Be Your Own Brain Fitness Coach. Reg­is­tered par­tic­i­pants can imme­di­ately log into the course and gain access to four recorded lectures–each last­ing two hours– and to online mate­ri­als and discussions. Registration fees are $95, and stu­dents have six months to com­plete course.


  • How can one define brain fitness
  • What is link between stress, focus and memory
  • Does "brain age" even exist
  • How to enhance over­all men­tal pro­duc­tiv­ity, vs just IQ
  • Is there some "ceil­ing" to my improve­ment or can I always try more things
  • How brain func­tions evolve with age. What improves, what declines, what should I be pay­ing atten­tion to
  • Can life­long learn­ing delay dementia
  • What are spe­cific guide­lines to lead a lifestyle that max­i­mizes brain fitness
  • How to increase my chances to avoid Alzheimer's Disease
  • How do I know what is part of the nor­mal aging process and what isn't
  • What are the main pil­lars to enhance cog­ni­tion, and how do they work
  • What are the "active ingre­di­ents" for expe­ri­ences to build new neural pathways
  • Are dietary sup­ple­ments ben­e­fi­cial? How does nutri­tion and exer­cise improve cog­ni­tive skills?
  • What is the state of the sci­ence of cog­ni­tive health and fit­ness? What types of claims make sense?
  • Can videogames pro­tect from dementia
  • Does stress kill neurons?
  • Can we increase the capacity/ plas­tic­ity of the brain?
  • What are the best pre­ven­tive steps that can be taken today to main­tain brain health over many years?
  • What are the types of activ­i­ties shown to build cog­ni­tive reserve
  • How can brain train­ing prin­ci­ples can be APPLIED to every­day work and life and learn­ing, not just while doing programs
  • Can I improve mem­ory and focus capabilities
  • What's the best evi­dence for what helps in brain training
  • How can I train my brain to focus/concentrate more when I need to focus/concentrate and shut down when I need to or want to sleep
  • How to effec­tively use brain teasers and brain games to improve brain func­tion
  • How do I choose between prod­uct A or B?
  • How brain train­ing works and the ben­e­fits we can expect to receive from it
  • How can I eval­u­ate whether the claims are evidence-based
  • Is med­i­ta­tion bet­ter than yoga for the brain?
  • How does brain train­ing gen­er­al­ize to every day life? Is there research to sup­port claims?
  • How I can pre­vent age-related cog­ni­tive dete­ri­o­ra­tion/ loss/ dementia
  • How to enhance men­tal flexibility?
  • How do I mea­sure progress and results? How can I track that what I try really works?
  • How I go about being my own Brain Fit­ness Coach
  • How do I get started?
  • How to eval­u­ate whether real change has occurred?
  • How to set up a con­sis­tent prac­tise with say 20 min­utes everyday
  • Will any of this help me at work? How?
  • How can the aver­age per­son develop and self-manage a struc­tured coach­ing plan in all phases of life that is valid and a good time investment
  • What are the three or four things one can do on a daily basis to improve health and pre­vent impair­ment with age?
  • What can I do in my every­day expe­ri­ences to keep my brain in great con­di­tion, as I have/had sev­eral cases of demen­tia and Alzheimer's in my family?
  • How do I know what's my base­line and how do I track/maintain pos­i­tive progress over time?


Detailed information is available at How to Be Your Own Brain Fitness Coach.

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