Monday, September 27, 2010

iPost: PEBS Neuroethics Roundup from JHU Guest Blogger

Neuroethics & Law Blog
Last Edition's Most Popular Article: Intensive care diaries reduce new onset post traumatic stress disorder following critical illness: a randomised, controlled trial, Critical Care In the Popular Press: Sizing Up Consciousness by Its Bits, The New York Times Deceptive robots...
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

On the road again--blogging lite Sept 20 thru Oct 4

I will be on the road from Sept 20 thru Oct 4th.  I will be traveling abroad making a variety of professional presentations "down under"  (put some shrimp on the barbie for me)

I don't expect much time to blog...except for possible "push" type FYI posts re: content posted at other blogging (iPosts:  check out the is very cool...but, of course, I tend to be a tech nerd)......

I shall return.

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iPost: Experimental Brain Research, Vol. 206, Issue 2 - New Issue Alert

Sunday, September 19

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What produces mental illness: genes, environment, both, neither? According to a groundbreaking new book, the answer can be found in memes whose effects on individual brain development can be benign or toxic
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In this issue:
Studying space representation within a neuropsychological perspective
Author(s)P. Zoccolotti, D. Spinelli & I. H. Robertson
Online sinceAugust 14, 2010
Page105 - 108

Research Article
Multiple reference frames used by the human brain for spatial perception and memory
Author(s)Gaspare Galati, Gina Pelle, Alain Berthoz & Giorgia Committeri
Online sinceFebruary 26, 2010
Page109 - 120

Spatial maps for time and motion
Author(s)Maria Concetta Morrone, Marco Cicchini & David C. Burr
Online sinceJune 23, 2010
Page121 - 128

Research Article
The role of the right temporoparietal junction in intersensory conflict: detection or resolution?
Author(s)Liuba Papeo, Matthew R. Longo, Matteo Feurra & Patrick Haggard
Online sinceMarch 09, 2010
Page129 - 139

Representing actions through their sound
Author(s)Salvatore M. Aglioti & Mariella Pazzaglia
Online sinceJuly 04, 2010
Page141 - 151

New approaches to the study of human brain networks underlying spatial attention and related processes
Author(s)Jon Driver, Felix Blankenburg, Sven Bestmann & Christian C. Ruff
Online sinceMarch 31, 2010
Page153 - 162

Environmental orientation and navigation in different types of unilateral neglect
Author(s)Cecilia Guariglia & Laura Piccardi
Online sinceJune 08, 2010
Page163 - 169

Research Article
Different spatial memory systems are involved in small- and large-scale environments: evidence from patients with temporal lobe epilepsy
Author(s)L. Piccardi, A. Berthoz, M. Baulac, M. Denos, S. Dupont, S. Samson & C. Guariglia
Online sinceMay 06, 2010
Page171 - 177

Two systems of spatial representation underlying navigation
Author(s)Sang Ah Lee & Elizabeth S. Spelke
Online sinceJuly 08, 2010
Page179 - 188

Research Article
Developmental topographical disorientation: a newly discovered cognitive disorder
Author(s)Giuseppe Iaria & Jason J. S. Barton
Online sinceApril 30, 2010
Page189 - 196

Research Article
Top-down and bottom-up attentional guidance: investigating the role of the dorsal and ventral parietal cortices
Author(s)Sarah Shomstein, Jeongmi Lee & Marlene Behrmann
Online sinceJune 23, 2010
Page197 - 208

Research Article
Selective visual neglect in right brain damaged patients with splenial interhemispheric disconnection
Author(s)Francesco Tomaiuolo, Loredana Voci, Marco Bresci, Sabino Cozza, Federico Posteraro, Martina Oliva & Fabrizio Doricchi
Online sinceApril 06, 2010
Page209 - 217

Neglect dyslexia: a review of the neuropsychological literature
Author(s)Giuseppe Vallar, Cristina Burani & Lisa S. Arduino
Online sinceAugust 17, 2010
Page219 - 235

Imaging studies of recovery from unilateral neglect
Author(s)Stefano F. Cappa & Daniela Perani
Online sinceJune 26, 2010
Page237 - 241
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iPost: Prefrontal cortex linked introspection

NeuroscienceNew: Introspective People Have Larger Prefrontal Cortex

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Traditional Healers & Mental Health Services


Traditional Healers & Mental Health Services
10th November 2010 / London Conference

Many people do not seek help from their GP or via their local mental health services when they become unwell for a number of different reasons. Some people seek advice and support via traditional healers, preferring possibly to enter into a therapeutic dialogue with someone who is from the same culture or who understands their cultural perspective and can facilitate some form of cultural re-integration. The reasons why people seek help from traditional healers vary. Outside the biomedical model the mind / body dichotomy is less evident. The “idiom/s of distress” individuals present with may not be as compartmentalised as they are in the medical model.

Traditional healing is practised in many countries across the world. Healers use a number of interventions to heal people including; recitation of specific prayers, fasting, the wearing of amulets, the chanting of specific music, meditation, the making of sacrifices, conducting exorcism ceremonies and the ingestion of medicines and potions. In the UK some people receiving care from their local mental health services will have also sought out and may well be receiving care simultaneously from a traditional healer. However, the extent to which this manner of help seeking behaviour and the healing interventions they have received are acknowledged or discussed with the service user by mental health professionals working within the biomedical model, varies.

Many people, including mental health professionals are dismissive of traditional healers and their practices, citing a lack of evidence base to prove the effectiveness of healing interventions or their concerns about the amount of money some healers charge. However, there are those who are interested in finding out more about healers and their practices. The extent to which mental health professionals are able to collaborate and / or work jointly with healers remains unclear. We know of very few examples where this is the case in the UK.

This one day conference will seek to demystify the area of traditional healing and will focus on:

• Definitions of a traditional healer

• The training of healers

• Why do people seek help from a healer? What kinds of problems do they present with?

• How do healers make a “diagnosis”?

• What do healers do? Healing and healing practices

• What evidence exists about the effectiveness of healing interventions?

• What are the benefits and risks of mental health professionals and others working collaboratively with traditional healers?

Some of the key questions which will be discussed during the one day event include:

• Should and can psychiatrists and traditional healers work together? What possible problems might arise? What might be the benefits or risks for the service user? 

• Should we be extending service models to include traditional healers? 

• Do service users find the support they receive from traditional healers helpful? 

• What can mental health professionals learn from traditional healers and vice versa? 

Programme of the day

9.00 - 9.30

Registration, Tea & Coffee

9.30 - 9.50


Muslim Healers in London
Dr. Simon Dein
Senior Lecturer in Anthropology and Medicine at the University College London and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow.

9.50 - 10.40

Meeting Population Needs for Mental Health: Do Traditional Healers Have A Role?
Professor Rachel Jenkins
Professor of Epidemiology and International Mental Health Policy, Director of WHO Collaborating Centre for Mental Health Research and Training.

10.40 - 11.30

The Practice of Spiritual Healing in Greece: A Positive Example of Approaching Health and Well-being from a Spiritual Perspective
Dr. Fevronia Christodoulidi
Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Counselling Trainer in Manchester.

11.30 - 11.45

Tea & Coffee

11.45 - 12.30

Co-operation or Collision? Healing Cultures and Collaboration in Mental Health Care in South Africa and Lessons for the UK
Malcolm Alexander
Consultant in Public Involvement and Community Development and Associate Researcher with the UCL Research Department of Mental Health Sciences.

12.30 - 1.00

Morning session Q&A

1.00 - 1.45


1.45 - 2.35

Traditional Healing, Therapy and Mental Health
Dr. William West
Director of Professional Doctorate in Counselling, Reader in Counselling Studies, School of Education, University of Manchester.

2.35 - 3.25

Under What Circumstances Do People with Mental Health Problems Consult Traditional Healers? Examples from Italy and Lessons for the UK
Dr. Micol Ascoli
Consultant Psychiatrist, East London NHS Foundation Trust/Tower Hamlets Cultural Consultation Service Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London.

3.25 - 3.40

Tea & Coffee

3.00 - 3.50

Traditional Healers and Mental Health Professionals Working Together: Confusion, Collaboration or Creative Synthesis?
Jane Gilbert 
Independent Consultant Psychologist in Penrith, Cumbria.

4.30 - 4.45

Afternoon session Q&A

4.45 - 5.00

Plenary, Closure & Evaluation sheets


Who Should attend?

This conference will be relevant to all professionals in the field of Mental Health and Social Care, including those from Local Authorities and NHS trusts across the UK, Chaplains, Community Faith Leaders & Healers, Equality Leads, Community Development Workers, Service User Representatives, Charities, Third Sector, Educational Establishments, Academics and Policy makers.


The Resource Centre
356 Holloway Road
N7 6PA

Tel: +44 (0)20 7700 0100

Conference Booking 


Conference Brochure


Conference Booking Forn

Conference Contact

Ahmed Qureshi (conference co-ordinator) tel. 07540 356 526 
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

iPost: Ga sensitivity, speech perception and reading

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Friday, September 03, 2010