Friday, August 24, 2012

Article: Is too much brain activity connected to Alzheimer’s disease?

Interactive Metronome Therapy Helps Amputees Walk Again | Interactive Metronome (IM) is used to helps patient walk again after becoming an amputee. IM-Home is the at-home reach of the Interactive Metronome. Both Interactive Metronome & IM-Home are the only brain fitness programs that promotes brain health and incorporates movement and coordination activities for a complete brain and body workout. Thousands of children and adults have benefited from the going through the training. It's convenient, affordable and proven to get results. Learn how IM-Home can help you or a loved one. | http Amputee Amputee Rehabilitation Brain Fitness
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Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Think...Therefore IM: Keynote at IM conference in October

"I think...therefore IM"

Yes..this is me. Conflict of interest disclosure--I am external consultant to IM and serve in the role as the Director of Research and Science.

Double click on images to enlarge. Click here to read more and view the video.

Posted using BlogPress from Kevin McGrew's iPad

Article: The effect of speed-of-processing training on depressive symptoms in ACTIVE.

The effect of speed-of-processing training on depressive symptoms in ACTIVE.

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Article: After Brain Injuries, Troops Hit The Mental Gym

Article: Why Our Perception Of Time Varies

Why Our Perception Of Time Varies

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Article: Decision-Making in the Brain Mapped

Article: Springer Neuroscience--handbook on cerebellum disorders

Article: Childhood music classes 'help adult hearing'

Childhood music classes 'help adult hearing'

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Article: Structured neuronal encoding and decoding of human speech features

Structured neuronal encoding and decoding of human speech features

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Article: leading brains

Article: Article collections | Wiring the brain

Article collections | Wiring the brain

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Brain network research and the P-FIT model of intelligence: The Time Doc's working notebooks

I have been slammed with work this summer an have been unable to blog about exciting research I have been reading in the area of brain networks. I did start a series on the P-FIT model of intelligence, but have yet to get back to it as planned. I will...but it will take some time before I can push more projects off my desk.

I have been dutifully compiling working notebooks on two of the most exciting topics and have decided to make them available to readers now. They include abstracts, images, and select text from various sources. I seem to find new research in these two areas almost just maintaining these working notebooks is all I have been able to keep up with. I hope readers find them interesting.

Links to the two notebooks are below...and they will also be available at Reports and Publications section (Neurotechnology subsection) of the MindHub

The first is the "Your brain is a network: The Human Connectome and brain network research notebook". It is suggested you view these notes first as the second fits within this context. [Click on images to enlarge]

The second is "Parietal-Frontal Intelligence: The P-FIT research notebook"

Posted using BlogPress from Kevin McGrew's iPad

Leading Brains@AndyHab, 8/12/12 9:46 AM

Andy Habermacher (@AndyHab)
8/12/12 9:46 AM
leading brains is out!

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Aurora shooting victim benefits from music in brain injury recovery

Yet another interesting video reporting on the use of the rhythmic aspects of music in brain injury recovery...similar to the Gabby Giffords story.  Additional clinical evidence of the importance of temporal processing in the brain.